Ezzeddine Jlassi

Fullstack developer,
based in Tunisia.

With 3 years of experience and a strong focus on frontend development, I’m seeking to use my technical proficiency and creativity to develop engaging user experiences.


Obeyaka's logo

Frontend developer

Oct 2023 - May 2024

Full remote

  • Built an internal UI library as an npm package using React, Shadcn/ui and Storybook.
  • Build Obeyaka's landing page.
  • Built 10+ features based on micro-frontends architecture using Next JS.
WeCraftBytes's logo

Frontend developer


Sep 2022 - Oct 2023

Full remote

  • Built 8+ chart components using Fusion Charts, Chart.JS and D3.
  • Built 10+ forms using React Hook Form
Chambi Eagle Technology's logo

Fullstack developer

Oct 2021 - Sep 2022

On site

  • Deployed the first version of Phalcon CRM.
  • Reduced server’s memory consumption by 30% which reduced the api response time by up to 400ms, by writing 14+ SQL views and implementing best practices to improve Entity Framework performance.
  • Built 20+ React components for forms, data grids and charts.
Intuitiv Interactive's logo

Frontend developer

Jun 2021 - Oct 2021


  • Develop a pixel perfect and responsive user interfaces.
  • Create reusable components with TWIG engine
  • Integrated the totality of the UI for www.institutcochin.fr